Well, we have just opened THE BOOK OF THE DUN COW at Prospect Theater. Here is a
link to the press we've gotten so far. I'll post any reviews as soon as they come out. First, as a reminder, each member of our cast gets 2 personal comps (aside from industry and AEA comps)so to my union friends, if you're interested in coming, you get in free with your card. The theater only seats 74 on the risers and an additional 11 people in the balcony, so it can fill up fast. It's a good show, with wonderful music and unique themes. I have to admit, it is exciting to be part of these NY premiere new works. One of the most amazing things was at our opening night party, there were almost ten students from Valparaiso University in Indiana who had DROVE up to see the show (thats right, drove). Walter Wangerin, who wrote the Award Winning Novel, is their professor, and he is unfortunately quite ill. In his support, they all came to see it opening night. AMAZING. It was great meeting them and sharing in their enthusiasm for the project.
But once again, I find myself introspective about doing theatre, mainly musical theatre. I talk about this alot, and am reminded about snippets in a great book I've mentioned before; SMART ACTORS FOOLISH CHOICES and the countless conversations I've had with my close friends. How BAD do you really want to do this? If you're unhappy what is the payoff and what is invested in this for your personally? The rehearsal process for DUN COW was exhaustive, mixed in with my full time work schedule, and lots of dancing, moving and positioning...by a great choreographer mind you (Got it? Keep it. Make sense? ;) however I KNOW, and have known for quite some time, I am someone who no longer wants to artistically express bouncing around the stage...I am NOT nor will I ever be a dancer, and I like that about my life and enjoy the peaceful moments more now anyway. I enjoy exercise and being able to CONTROL the pace of my human movement momentum ;) My dear friend Amber said when I first arrived, that New York really puts to the forefront HOW BAD do you really want to do this? EVERYONE is here to be an actor, and they are cut throat and determined..and often blind to the WHYS of why they have chosen this profession in the first place(insights from SMART ACTORS FOOLISH CHOICES). You need to examine why at some point. For me, I know I need to shift something here, I just need to examine a bit more...and I will!
Relating, things are moving forward with PLAYIN GOODE IN THE HOUSE OF TONK, the film I'm doing this spring. Cool thing is the original SHAFT Richard Roundtree has committed to it, and the director told me talks about Lawrence Fishburne making an appearance are possible. WOW. I play a sort of ghostly bartender. It's a great part I hope the financial revenue all comes through...we'll see. REALLY excited about it. And...excited to be in the peaceful 'non dancing' realm of da filmmaking.;)
And...I digress once again, February friends. Keep the whitelight burning.