
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Okay so I'm writing this blog from my favorite coffee shop here in Brooklyn. ( . I go here often for my fav cup o' joe or iced caramel haff caff lattes. It's a little piece of heaven for me so peaceful and very Brooklyn-ey of me. Currently I am sipping on whats called a Good Karma Latte. Mmmmmm coffee.

My friend Glennis always tells me to write in my blog as I speak in real life so here I go peeps. I couldn't help but wonder, are all…..oh wait that's Carrie Bradshaw. Well then on with the showoooo...

So I finished THE ROSE PROJECT Off B'way last week. And if my heart had wings, it has flown what a great experience. It was the story of Tokyo Rose, which explored the mythology surrounding her in the 40's and the label servicemen used for women who broadcast propaganda during the war in the 1940's. It was absolutely fascinating tale of a womans life. The best part was our director Sonoko, such a gracious, gregarious and fun Japanese women who pronounced my name FADD and was completely engaged in the subject matter and inspired all of us around her. I didn't realize how much I missed performing on stage, since it's been awhile. I am always at odds with my performing career should I be doing this, should I not? But in so many intangible ways it always calls me back. I should be doing this and be at the top of my field. And this coming at my job job which feels like so much drudgery and personality clashes lately. I cannot be myself fully. But all in good time, everything in my life always seems to come at a later pace than my heart wants, it seems. I just know God has given me too much talent to waste and at least not use for the purpose of storytelling and understanding periodically.

Coming home after vacation was cathartic. It was nice to be home with the family. But how great it was to come back home to New York, this is where I belong and feel meant to be since coming here 5 years ago now. I was thrilled sitting on the subway coming back home. Who would have ever thought I'd love New York so much?

Okay so here are some random things I'm thinking of blogging about:
*Lone gloves or socks on the street
*Female stage managers
*Subway etiquette (oh lord I've lamented on this forever maybe not)
*You're the one that I want TV show
*Barack Obama

Okay maybe not....thoughts?

Don't forget to check out the 'Shop" section for Logo online ( It's MTV's new gay and lesbian network, and I'm the guy posing their online apparel. My Mom told me I looked handsome so there. Woop!

(ending credits scrolling)