Okay those “Stress Tests” that you see set up in the subway and on the streets with odd machines attached saying come test your stress level. Um avoid avoid avoid. I sat down this past week at one, and the questions she was asking and the way she was encouraging something that wasn’t there led me to one big conclusion. Fraud City/ Fishy fishy fishy. I said “Okay I’m done!” to her weird way of not having a dialogue with me but rather egging some reaction on, and bolted out of the chair. Never gone do that again. I was probably mugged secretly.
I am becoming aware of that I am a bit obsessive compulsive about organization. Albeit me becoming a professional organizer, this is a bit weird. And it also doesn’t help that my roommate is INSANELY obsessive compulsive (sorry J!). But who am I too point when I have similar traits. I move things around, I like to make sure everything is put away. If I’m left at home without having to work or anything to do its organization central. I’ll fold and put coats and clothes away, clean, organize drawers, make sure products in the medicine cabinet are facing forward. It’s weird. Granted, I do let things get messy too. Especially if I'm having a busy week. But eventually, one day I get to it, and once again I organize. I wash my hands a lot too I don’t like that 'sticky hand' feeling. I walked by this kid the other day with an ice cream cone and he had let the entire thing sort of goop and smear all over his face. I almost passed out at the sticky sight. Where’s a handi wipe when you need one kids? I kind of want to be a macho messy man who drops clothes on the floor, spits and never cleans the bathroom. Am I truly set in my ways? I do leave dishes in the sink, and hate doing them really. But I do them eventually usually within a day. Okay maybe 6 hours. Macho man-dom here I come!
I walked the breast cancer awareness walk on Oct 15th (my Birthday). It was a ‘walk in the park’” as they say, 3 miles gone in a whoosh and money for a good cause. Felt good.
My TV spot a couple of weeks ago on Nick@Nite went so well. Good times. It’s amazing what they can do editing wise, as filming it at times can feel stagnant. I was so pleased with it and with the supportive friends and family who made the effort to watch it thank you!
Met a really cool composer named Bill. He lives in the upper east side in the most amazing condo and such respect I have for his artistic endeavors. Went to a rather crammed party with him last week, oy the small apartments here. So many amazing people living here wow.
New York New York…good with the bad.
Boy the other day I was a major New York asshole. When waiting for a bunch of tourists to figure out how to use their metra cards, I brusquely said “Can I get through I have somewhere to be!?”…can you believe that? New York makes you crazy some days, and I have officially become ‘wacko’. Gotta figure out how to not be like this again. It doesn’t help that it never slows down and that the payphone downstairs outside my apartment building has now become a crack phone for shady characters to use late at night. I digress.
Have I mentioned I’d like to meet Barack Obama?
And finally:
Simply Saline has become my new best friend...go to Walgreens and get the magic.

Holy Tuna Noodle Casserole! I’m Thadd the Sticky Finger man and that’s a wrap.
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